Tuesday, 18 May 2010

Winnie's first birthday

Today we would like to wish Winnie (Klancraig Artemis) and her siblings Lottie2, Storm, Dora, Kato, Otto, Flint and Bruce a 'Happy First Birthday'. Winnie and her siblings are from our Tilly/Timo litter (refer to our website www.klancraig.co.uk) and we will be forever grateful to Maxine and Peter McCullough (Kimmax) for allowing us the privilege of using the handsome and talented Timo. Between them Tilly and Timo produced a litter of beautiful, healthy puppies all of whom have the most delightful temperaments.
Our thanks also to the families to whom these puppies went for giving them such wonderful homes and for the regular updates and photographs.

Sunday, 9 May 2010

National Dog Show

Yesterday was the National Dog Show held at Stafford Agricultural Show Ground where our judge was breed specialist Barbara Stamp (Tynsil).
Unfortunately I was unable to attend the show so Gary took Winnie (Klancraig Artemis) along since our friend Mandy Hayes (Germanus) had kindly offered to handle her for us. This was Winnie's third show ever and her last opportunity to enter the puppy bitch class, since she is a year old later this month but Winnie being Winnie, she took it all in her stride and behaved like a trooper for Mandy and in doing so won a very strong class.
Mandy had previously won puppy dog with her youngster Bruno (Germanus Guardian AI) which meant there was the dilema of who should handle Winnie for Best Puppy in Breed - needless to say Gary was thrown in at the deep end and ended up handling her himself which was the first time that he had handled a GWP at a show and I missed it!!
We were thrilled that Winnie won Best Puppy in Breed.