Monday 19 January 2015

So now the end is near...

Can't believe how the time has flown, it seems only weeks ago that Gary was taking Winnie out on the first day of the shoot.
During the season Gary has worked Winnie weekly on two separate shoots, with an invitation to work a third but sadly day-to-day work commitments did not allow this - maybe next season.
Winnie has proved to be a star - steady to work amongst sheep, deer and hare, sociable around other dogs on the shoot, covering ground well and finding, pointing and retrieving game. On occasions she has been shot over by one or two guns unfamiliar with HPR's, who were pleasantly surprised by her endurance and relentless hunting.
Of course, there have been odd moments of her cheeky nature making an appearance and she is never slow to take advantage of Gary not paying attention but all of this has, according to Gary, made her a pleasure to work and made her a much liked and valued member of the shoots.

A mention must also be made of the fact that Ian, our friend and owner of Winnie's son Louie has driven over to Much Wenlock come rain or shine to join Gary on these shoots beating, a journey each way of an hour and a half. This was so much appreciated that one of the shoots rearranged Beaters Day so that Gary and Ian could participate.
A hard days work is always rounded off with a few beers in the local pub, with Gary enjoying a glass of apple juice and Winnie crashing out asleep dreaming of the days events. Not quite sure what either of them will do when the season finishes;-)